Throughout California, our firm assists clients with contaminated sites and strategizing the most effective ways to handle environmental issues.
This includes matters involving hazardous wastes and substances, underground storage tanks, soil and groundwater contamination, CERCLA and RCRA liability, private and public nuisance claims, state agency regulatory compliance, environmental investigation and remediation issues in the pre-property development stage, securing insurance coverage, site closures and other environmental legal claims. Our attorneys have extensive experience in environmental contamination and compliance cases. We are recognized as leaders in this practice area and our lawyers are often invited to give lectures and seminars on environmental law and contamination issues.
Our environmental practice is focused on advising clients regarding litigation and compliance with applicable federal, state, and local environmental laws and regulations that arise in connection with real estate and business transactions, or as a result of regulatory action, including:
Contaminated site litigation
Hazardous wastes and substances
Underground storage tank contamination
Soil and groundwater contamination
CERCLA 107 and 113 claims, and RCRA Citizen Suit liability
Private and public nuisance claims
Trespass claims
Representation before the California Department of Toxic Substances Control and the California State and Regional Water Quality Control Boards.
We advise our clients on environmental compliance at all stages of the development process, including the pre-development stage. We also assist clients in securing insurance coverage in environmental matters, including defense and indemnity coverage under primary and excess CGL policies.
Our firm’s principal attorney, David Frank, has been lead counsel in several land-mark environmental contamination cases, including Lincoln Properties (Stockton) and the Rainbow Lodge RCRA Citizen suit, which were venued in U.S. Federal District Court for the Eastern District of California during the 1990s and 2000s.