Representative Matters
Mr. Frank and his firm have successfully won, settled, or defended several hundred cases and claims since the firm was established in 1993. Below are some of the major cases Frank Law Group, P.C. and its lawyers have won or settled as lead counsel for their clients.
Nevada County Superior Court action in which FLG represented buyers against sellers who failed to disclose presence of underground gasoline storage tanks. After a multi-day trial, FLG secured a judgment against the sellers for the full amount of investigation and cleanup costs, plus the buyer’s attorney’s fees and costs.
US Eastern District of CA Federal Court. RCRA action in which FLG defended a $1.5 million dollar claim for oil contamination against his 12 clients who were limited partners/investors in the 1990s renovation of the historic Rainbow Lodge near Lake Tahoe. FLG got all 12 limited partners completely exonerated from any liability and got their attorney’s fees paid for through insurance money. FLG also recovered all of the attorney’s fees and costs incurred during the lawsuit from the party who sued his clients, thereby reimbursing the clients’ insurer for the fees they paid to defend FLG’s clients. In addition, FLG was also able to recover over 95% of the money invested by the limited partners plus interest on their investment.
US Eastern District of CA Federal Court. CERCLA lawsuit in which FLG negotiated a complex rescission action whereby FLG’s client-seller took back title to land contaminated with gold mining waste. FLG secured a large monetary settlement from responsible parties and insurance carriers sufficient to pay for the investigation and cleanup of the property. In addition, FLG also secured a summary judgment against the seller’s insurance company in a related state-court action FLG filed which required the insurance company to pay for all attorney’s fees and costs incurred by FLG’s client in the CERCLA lawsuit.
Placer County Superior Court judicial foreclosure action in which FLG defended the Park entity and its partners from a multimillion-dollar deficiency judgment. FLG successfully negotiated the redemption of the property by the borrower after the foreclosure sale, and the sale of the property immediately thereafter to Coherent Technologies, Inc., resulting in a $4.5million-dollar profit for FLG’s client. FLG thereafter limited the client’s deficiency judgment liability to BofA from over $2.5 million to just over $700,000.
Sacramento County Superior Court lawsuit in which FLG obtained a judgment of over $800,000 for its landlord-clients against Hanson Concrete after a two-week jury trial, in which the jury found Hanson liable for polluting the property with several hundred tons of concrete rubble, rebar, and debris during its 20-year tenancy. The judgment included an award of 95% of the attorney’s fees and costs incurred by FLG’s clients.
Placer County Superior Court action in which FLG represented the beneficiaries of an easement to Lake Tahoe across the Tahoe Sands Resort property in two separate trials and two appeals to the Third District Court of Appeal in Sacramento. In the end, FLG prevailed in getting the courts to confirm FLG’s Clients’ easement rights to the Lake and obtained injunctive relief preventing the resort from interfering with those rights. FLG was also successful in recovering from the resort nearly all the attorney’s fees and costs FLG’s clients incurred during the nine years of litigation.
Lake County Superior Court lawsuit in which FLG prevailed in a rescission action against the seller of a 375-acre vineyard who failed to disclose to the buyer that one-third of the vineyard was planted on AXR-1 rootstock, which is not resistant to Philoxera (a bug which devastates grapevines). After a week-long trial, FLG recovered all the buyer’s down payment money and all attorney’s fees and costs incurred by the buyer.
Sacramento County Superior Court Judicial Foreclosure lawsuit involving industrial property security contaminated by TCE and PCE from Aerojet General in Sacramento, CA. FLG secured a judicial foreclosure decree on behalf of the lender after obtaining a comprehensive Hold Harmless and Indemnification Agreement from two PRP defense contractors in favor of the lender and future property owners and lenders so the fair market value of the property would be unaffected by the contamination. FLG then secured a deficiency settlement from the borrowers, which included an award of the attorney’s fees and costs incurred by the lender.
Nevada County Superior Court action involving landlord’s wrongful failure to consent to assignment of lease in connection with sale of tenant’s restaurant. Lease permitted assignment, but landlord refused without rent increase to market rate. FLG prevailed on breach of contract and intentional interference with contract claims after binding arbitration, recovering contract damages plus all attorney’s fees and costs incurred by tenant.